
The Reasons Why Incident Detection in Effective Cyber security Programs is Critical


Unfortunately, just as technological strides are being made in the world of business, cybersecurity threats continue to grow alongside them. It can be challenging enough to try to stay on top of all the aspects that come with managing a business, without having to worry about data being compromised by hackers attempting to breach your security. While there are indeed quality cybersecurity programs available, not all companies can invest in the very best.

Without a doubt, round-the-clock cybersecurity measures can be a substantial investment and are not something that small or even mid-sized businesses are capable of pursuing. That said, you can still get quality security for your data by focusing on incident detection over everything else.

The trouble with false positives

One of the reasons why round-the-clock data security measures are so expensive is due to the number of false positives. For example, there are practically millions of events in a business network and being able to tell which event is actually an incident that is worth looking into is the key. Even if you manage to weed out the uneventful instances, you will still be left with hundreds of thousands of cases to look over.

When it comes to effective cybersecurity, being able to continually oversee an entire business network and deal with false positives is where the bulk of the effort goes.

Many smaller organizations only realize something is wrong when it is too late

While smaller organizations might have no choice but to invest in cheaper cybersecurity measures, many often make the mistake of choosing a service that does not prioritize incident detection. The result is a data breach that is only noticed when it is far too late. Even worse, most business owners see it as inevitable, since they did not acquire expensive cybersecurity measures. It is vital to take note that you can invest in a reasonably priced cybersecurity service that is entirely competent.

Incident detection is the core of cybersecurity

Considering all of the trouble that goes into filtering the events to see which is worth looking into, it is no surprise just how vital incident detection can be. The sophistication of modern hackers means that most breaches in security will not be obvious. In many ways, it will look like many of the other false positives – and when you consider the number of events logged every single day, it comes as no surprise that some breaches end up flying under the radar. It is why quality SIEM that focuses on incident detection can help an organization while still being reasonably priced.

Smaller or mid-sized businesses do not have to resign themselves to subpar security just because they are unable to afford the most expensive services available. When it comes to security measures to protect your organization against attacks, it is not necessarily about the resources that you can invest – it is also about choosing a security system which focuses on incident detection.


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