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How original is your writing?


Not everyone writes the same. Some people are creative, are cunning with words and do create the most unique structures, adapt sentences and commas to create compelling stories while others make science terms and hard subjects seem fun with their style. Each individual who picks up a pen or types on a keyboard, has the potential to be a great writer. But what is your level of originality and how original is your writing now?

How to check?

It’s not that hard, really. The best and easiest way to check is using an originality checker. An originality checker is special software or tool designed to compare your writing against other sources. Simply sign up, upload your paper and start the scan. If what you wrote matches anything on the internet or indexed through databases – the text originality checker is definitely going to show it. These checkers have enormous databases with more than 10’s of trillions pieces of content.

That’s not everything

Software only shows you the technical stuff. Writing accurately and not using the same templates is not enough to be able to claim yourself as an original writer. You are going to need approval and recognition of readers. Use anonymous forums, give it to the teacher at your writing class, share it with friends etc. They will give you tips or critique, just take it with a kind heart. Writers, arguably more than anyone, cannot cope with critique. Use it to your benefit and fuel the creative fire. Just to make sure we will tell that the most common critique is for:

  • being too pretentious
  • rambling too much
  • not getting the point across
  • not memorable
  • good just not great

Deal with the evaluation and prepare to write better tomorrow.


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