
5 Signs that indicate that your website is boring


Does it feel that your company website is a bit boring and needs a redesigned service as soon as possible? If you aren’t sure then read on further to know whether your website is boring or not:

  • Not mobile friendly

Most of the people access information while they are on a move, thus end up checking for your website through mobile devices. In such a case, your website not being mobile friendly can be a major drawback. Your website should be mobile friendly, offer ease-of-navigation, great functionality and lastly must fit in all screen sizes of mobile device.

  • Lacks social media icons

If your website lacks social media icons, then again you are in darn problem. Nowadays, the social media platform is the major way of publicizing and marketing. If the people visiting your website like the page then they may want to share it for their friends on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn or via direct mail. The more there are shares of your website to the social media, more easily the product brand reaches to the masses. Thus, it is very necessary to have the icons of these media accounts with target URL, so that the visitors can share it very easily.

  • Lack of Images

You must have heard of the phrase “A picture says a thousand words” or “Visuals are more powerful”. Both the statements are very true. Images have the power to grab and retain the attention of the visitors. A website with images looks more attractive than a website full of texts. Most of them avoid reading so much, thus a website full of only texts ends up being a boring website. If your website doesn’t have images or very less images, it’s time for you get it redesigned by a good Web Design Macclesfield service to pull in more traffic.

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  • High bounce rate, low average time

This is the most significant method of knowing whether your website is a hit or a flop. A little web analysis will give you the clear picture whether your viewers leave your website after viewing a page or two. If this is the case, then the reason is likely that the website is boring, not effective and interactive enough with the clients.

The content needs to be more exciting and the page should be more attractive in every possible way.

  • Absence of blogs

Do you know blogs help to increase the website traffic big time? Blogging is an excellent way to increase the traffic. Creating content over the topics that the target audience searches for will pull in the audience seeking information. On finding substantial content on your website, they will also share that information on social media. This further attracts visitors to your website.

Besides the above points, there can be another reason why your website is an outdated one is if the website lacks landing pages or has only one landing page. A good Web Design Macclesfield company will help you to work on the above points and redesign your website for a better traffic.


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