
MilesWeb Review: Why Go For Its Dedicated Server Hosting?


If you are looking for the most control and power over your hosting environment, dedicated server hosting is an ideal option for you. As the name describes, with dedicated hosting, you get a complete dedicated server all to yourself. If your website has started generating a lot of traffic and requires ample resources, a dedicated server will offer you the best services. 

No server is secured completely, but a dedicated server is close to it and is an ideal choice if the security of your website is the highest priority. Dedicated servers perform better as you don’t have to share the server resources with any other users. A dedicated server is capable of handling maximum traffic. And, it is also necessary that you have administrative skills to manage your dedicated server. 

In this article, we will discuss the high-performing cheap dedicated server hosting provider, MilesWeb. First, let us know about the benefits of dedicated server hosting. MilesWeb is also the best web hosting in UAE. 

Below are the advantages of dedicated server hosting. 

  • When you opt for dedicated server hosting, you get full server control where you can install applications of your choice and configure them as you want. 
  • With a dedicated server, you get an isolated environment, meaning you get 100% dedicated resources, which results in faster performance. 

Features of MilesWeb’s Dedicated Server Hosting 

Bare Metal Servers 

With a single-tenant bare metal server, you can harness the full processing power with full root access. The single-tenant bare metal servers give you a very high level of control and security. 

You get the best speed, uptime and power to run your mission-critical applications with a single-tenant bare metal server. The servers have built-in pure SAS/SSD storage and have advanced Intel processors incorporated within. They offer the perfect platform to host any large-scale operations of enterprises and organizations.

The lease for the server is kept low cost, making it affordable for businesses and other institutions. The servers are customized to cater to every requirement presented by the clients and priced accordingly. 

Full Server Control 

With dedicated server hosting, you get an isolated environment with immense security, full control, and high flexibility for your heavy-resource websites/applications. With this, they allow you to modify the server according to your requirements and install web applications that you wish to. Also, you will not have any limitations on the websites that you want to host.

MilesWeb gives its clients SSH/RDP access. Users can also execute commands with full control as a system administrator.  

99.99% Uptime Service Level Agreement 

MilesWeb guarantees satisfaction and reliability with its Service Level Agreement, with its dedicated server hosting. They offer a 99.99 percent uptime, which is excellent and will keep even the most resource-intensive websites and applications online and available to users. The server is also constantly monitored by MilesWeb’s IT professionals to prevent any faults from arising, so you enjoy the finest possible hosting experience with them.

Dedicated Server Plans by MilesWeb

MilesWeb has several tiered plans to choose from. You can refer to the below image to know about their dedicated hosting plans and pricing. 

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Why Go For MilesWeb’s Dedicated Server? 

Host Unlimited Websites 

MilesWeb does not give any limitation on the number of websites you want to host. You can also transfer your website from shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting to a dedicated server. 

Top-Notch Performance 

When you opt for dedicated server hosting, you don’t share server resources with any other tenants. There is no sharing of resources, so there are no chances of other websites’ traffic affecting yours and, you will get top-notch performance to your website.

100% Dedicated Resources 

With dedicated server hosting, you get an isolated environment to yourself with 100% dedicated hardware resources. There is no virtualization and no sharing. 


With a custom environment, you can run custom applications on your server. You don’t have to worry about running and functioning the heavy web applications, because they run ideally without any difficulty.

No Contract and Setup Fees 

MilesWeb does not take any charges from you for setting up the server. They give you the flexibility to cancel the server anytime.


There is a very high level of security and privacy in a physically isolated environment. It excludes any risk from threats as your server is isolated from others.

Control Panel Choice 

MilesWeb provides cPanel and Plesk control panel options with all our dedicated server locations. After you buy the control panel, their team will install and configure the control panel on your server. The Control panel makes the management of your site easy.

Choice of Operating System 

MilesWeb provides CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, and RHEL options in Operating System. You will get the option to choose the OS at the time of sign-up for the dedicated hosting plan.

Key Features of MilesWeb’s Dedicated Server Hosting 

Hardware RAID

While MilesWeb does not offer software RAID, it does offer a wide range of RAID techniques, including RAID0, RAID1, and even RAID10. There are other options that can be tailored to meet specific needs.

High Bandwidth 

For your bare metal server, MilesWeb provides bandwidth ranging from 100 Mb/s to 1GBPS. 

To sum up, 

If you want to host your mission-critical website or application, dedicated hosting is what you need. MilesWeb offers high-performing and feature-rich dedicated server hosting. Sign-up for MilesWeb’s dedicated hosting plan and get the utmost security, power, and control for your mission-critical website/application. 

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