The drastic shift in the work culture post pandemic world has been huge and it has led to far reaching changes across the board in various industries. The remote work has not only become an overbearing necessity but it is now emerging as a potential future trend. To make things easier for the managers, there are a number of software tools and programs in the market that helps you keep track of the employees and their working hours. Visit their website.
The best software options for managing the remote team
Trello for workflow management: Trello is a visual software for work management and it has in excess of 25M users globally. The functionality for this software is extremely simple and it uses kanban method principle for its operations. The software helps in managing the to-do list related to the remote employees. Trello helps the managers to keep track of the ongoing processes through efficient and workflow patterns.
Basecamp for project management: The basecamp is one of the most efficient tools for project management that you can get in the market. This tool helps you to share documents online with the employees and store them for accessing anytime. Basecamp helps in keeping track of the events, milestones and dates including the vacation time.
Miro for online collaboration: Miro is essentially a whiteboard on the internet that helps in streamlining meetings, projects and online presentations. You can use this whiteboard to add images, texts, diagrams and maps. Miro can be integrated with Google Suite, Slack, and Dropbox for easy access to data.
Slack for remote communication: Slack is one of the most effective tools for managing the team remotely. It’s essentially the messaging that allows the team members to share data and content remotely. There is also a paid subscription service that allow further functionalities of voice and video calls.
Work Examiner for employee monitoring software: The Work Examiner is one of the most efficient application for monitoring employees and keeping track of their activities. With this application you get high end surveillance, web usage control and work time tracking amongst other features. It’s the employee monitoring software of the year and if you want more information you can visit website.
Proofhub for project management: This is one of the best apps for project management and it comes loaded with sophisticated features and functionalities. It helps you in tracking the processing of project and the schedule deadlines.